Friday 2 January 2015

Telesales:measurable techniques for unlimited success

In this day and age of social media and internet sales, telesales continue to be one of the most dynamic and essential channels of sales for organizations across diverse industries.

Telesales offers the organization the ability to target diverse target markets and employ diverse pool of talent. It controls costs, and improves quality and efficiency of the sales staff.  The real time call analysis gives a streamlined focus on quality.

Most of us have already implemented or thought about the quantifiable methods of increasing telesales business, I have implemented the below quantifiable methods to my programs over the years.

1. Training and Development: It all starts with effective training on product and the selling skills. The importance of effective training can be summed up from the military saying that the more that you sweat in training the less you bleed in the battlefield.
Whether experienced or a fresher, everyone in your organization needs continuous training and skill development to be a successful sales consultant. Sales training is all about focus, interest, desire and action. This however needs to be sharpened with exhaustive product knowledge to cut through the sale resistance. During new staff sales training the focus should be on overall knowledge development on the product and the target market. The AIDA methodology and data mining of the sales leads is equally important. When imbued with all that is mentioned above, training then becomes a quantifiable tool to measure the sales efficiency of the new consultants as well of the veteran sales staff.

2. Incentives: Salary aside, it is the incentive which every thoroughbred sales person strives for. Here is when it becomes tricky, what may work for one team may not work for the other, what inspires a star performer may not workout for the stabilizers. Incentives should look to improve performance of KPIs and not just sales. Incentives should look to increase team efficiency; these should cater to the vision of the business. Incentives which focus on improving referral business and conversions generally work very well. In order to be really effective, incentives must strive to improve and positively impact both the share holder and the customers. Incentives should be agile, inspiring and immediate. They must excite the imagination of a large team and inspire them to exert their best effort.

3. Data Analysis: One of the most important and measurable aspect of team management in not just tele sales or call centre environment but true for any business is detailed analysis of all data available.
Whether it is customer engagement data, the call quality data, or leads conversion data it is essential for a manager to see which way is the wind blowing and to do a course correction as and when it is required. The importance of a manager is to do data analysis periodically can not be over stressed. It separates the wheat from the chaff and the men from the boys.

4.Source of Sales: The raw material for your sales are the leads, and it goes without saying that it becomes necessary to analyse what’s contributing to the business. The focus should be on the conversion percentage of the leads which are distributed to the team. A good manager will distribute leads based on the strength of his team members. If a sale consultant is unable to deliver the results on enterprise database, but is great with nomination conversion and small business database he should be used as such. Ability to choose horses for courses is the defining test of a good manager.

5.AHT “It Talks”: Average handling time, reveals a lot of facts if analyzed carefully. Whether outbound calls or inbound, the higher the AHT the more work needs to be done on the skills of the sales staff. A successful call should provide extra ordinary call experience at the right margins. It should be an engagement rather than a mere transaction.

6.Customer Engagement: What happens when customer engagement is lacking?  One satisfied member will refer at least five friends to you. An unsatisfied customer has the ability to take ten potential customers away from you. Post sales customer engagement becomes a very potent tool for a telesales agent. It keeps the client happy, aids in getting references, and reduces the possibilities of cancellations. It keeps the relationship with the member alive and increases the chances of renewals.

7.Innovation and Change: In our fascination for number crunching we usually forget to innovate and change and this can be detrimental. One must innovate and change one’s script for varied selling and cross selling opportunities. For example over the years DNC has become the biggest obstacle in reaching out to the right party, think of cloud telephony for a solution it provides inbuilt CRMs ;it helps saves money on hardware and physical servers, PRI lines and GSM gateways, records the calls, gives output reports, at the end of the day cost is as important as revenue in any business. 

8.Coaching and Feedback: Last but not the least and a powerful tool is coaching and feedback, precise, structured and documented feedback, keeps the team members aware of their strengths and opportunity areas. It becomes easy to monitor regular progress and also helps to maneuver the progress in the desired area. Coaching and feedback on its own is another big area to talk about on a different time. 

Thanks for taking out time to read my blog, I would greatly appreciate your comments and reviews. 
